The best in Fish Oil Supplements
20th Sep 2022
I Heart Fish Oil
Some of us have memories of having grown up with a spoonful of fish oil, like the taste or not, fish oil has been proven to protect our hearts (1).
- Fish Oil is important for heart health.
- Fish oil contains DHA, which has been shown to protect the heart in several studies (1).
- Fish oil also reduces blood pressure and triglycerides, while increasing HDL cholesterol levels.
- Fish oils are often recommended by doctors because they help people with high blood pressure or diabetes manage their condition better.
- Fish oil also helps reduce inflammation in the body when taken long-term.
Why Fish oil?
Fish oil is important for adults because it contains something called Omega 3, around 30% of Fish Oil is made up of omega-3s, while the remaining 70% is made up of other fats and some Vitamin D and A. The omega 3 found in Fish Oil have greater health benefits than the omega-3s found in some plant sources.
The Omega 3 has anti-inflammatory benefits, the omega 3 found in Fish Oil have greater health benefits than the omega-3s found in some plant sources. Fish oil also contains DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid), an essential nutrient that improves brain development during pregnancy, infancy and childhood with helps to support healthy cognitive function in adults too!
Fish Oil should be used as a supplement because sometimes it is not possible to get the amount of Fish Oil required from eating fish alone. Fish oil can stand up to heat better than other fats, so it’s best consumed cold-pressed or cooked at lower temperatures.
What is Omega 3?
Omega 3 is a fatty acid. EPA and DHA are primarily found in fish and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), is found in plant sources such as nuts and seeds.
Omega-3s are essential fatty acids that our bodies cannot produce on their own.
Omega 3s are also found in fish oils, which are known to protect our heart health. Fish oil contains DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid), an essential nutrient that improves brain development during pregnancy, infancy and childhood with helps to support healthy cognitive function during adulthood too!
Fish Oil should be used as supplement because sometimes it is not possible to get the amount of Fish Oil required from eating fish alone. Fish oil can stand up to heat better than other fats, so it’s best consumed cold-pressed or cooked at lower temperatures.
Bare Biology life & soul pure omega 3 120 mini caps contains 860mg of EPA and 440mg of DHA, the two most important types of omega-3, these easy to swallow capsules are great for the whole family’s wellbeing.
But I am vegan and want to avoid fish.
Good news! Algae Oil contains EPA and DHA and we can now buy this in supplement form and save some fishing. Also, look out for Vegan Omega 3 supplements such as Wiley's Finest, CatchFree Omega which also contains DPA and DHA. Cytoplan Vegan Omega 3 is derived from the plant marine algae Schizochytrium sp microalgae, providing both EPA and DHA. Two capsules will provide, on average, 334mg of DHA and 166mg of EPA.
But algae is plant based. Fish are animals aren't they? It's fine to take fish oil supplements then, right?
It depends where the oil comes from in the end. Fish can be fed algae-based feed in captivity, but wild caught fish eat all sorts of plants and creatures in their natural habitat, including algae when it's available or during migration periods when prey is scarce or harder to catch. Therefore some brands may contain small amount of plant matter, yet still advertise as being 'marine' sourced Fish oil! Also if you really want to avoid things that grow out of the ground completely I would suggest sticking with Vegan Omega 3 Supplements that come with no Fish, Fish Gelatin or Fish by products.
What about Fish Lipids? Fish are animals aren't they?
Yes, fish are animals but Fish oil is made up of an Omega 3 Fatty Acid called Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). DHA is simply a piece of the Fish's cell membrane. Fish produce this for use in their own bodies and it can be taken from them without affecting them directly, just like we take milk from cows to make cheese etc often with no harm to the cow involved. This also makes it easy to ensure quality control as you can check how much DHA there is in the final product compared to the amount extracted/admitted to being extracted at source. However many brands do not disclose the source of their Fish Oil and quality control is not always perfect.
So Fish oil is basically fatty fish meat? Fish eat meat too don't they? Should we be eating Fish if we want Fish Oil, instead of Fish Oil Supplements?
The DHA comes from Fish cell membranes and it's byproducts (like Omega 3 Liver). Food for thought! Also: - Fish waste feeds ocean plankton which helps make oxygen and regulates climate/weather patterns that sustain ocean life as a whole. - Oceans have been overloaded with plastic from human activity. Ocean animals are being found cut open with plastic pieces inside them, as tiny as 3 millimetres in length to several centimetres long. Plastic particles leach out toxins such as Bisphenol A, phthalates and PCBs which Fish don't have an excretory system to get rid of. Fish can die from plastic poisoning and we humans ingest these toxins if we consume Fish. Fish cannot do without seafood and that means living oceans and seas in order to survive themselves. This is why I won't stop giving my children Fish Oil!
Where will the Fish come from? Will it be sustainable? Is there really a Fish shortage?
Fish oils are extracted from small fish such as anchovies, sardines or other smaller fish whose numbers are not threatened by over-fishing yet. The Fish used for extracting DHA/EPA can also be fed algae based feed too, therefore the Fish oil industry is sustainable. Fish that are over fished such as sharks, tuna etc should not be consumed by us or used for Fish oil extraction. Fish meat and Fish products such as Fish gelatin, Fish bone and Fish viscera , Fish lungs and Fish liver oils cannot be legally labelled or marketed as 'Fish Oil'!
Should vegetarians take Fish Oil? Or is Fish oil vegetarian safe and vegan friendly?
Fish Oil Supplements sometimes come from plant based sources and Fish Liver oils do not contain DHA (so no ethical dilemma there). This means Fish liver oils may be suitable for vegetarians but please consult the label before purchase if you want to avoid anything that comes from dead fish or fish by-products. Fish Gelatin is also a possible ingredient which is commonly used to hold the Fish Oil in suspension so try to avoid capsules with gelatin unless it states on the label they are suitable for vegetarians.
What about dolphin safe brands of Fish Oil, Fish oil from sustainable Fish farming or Fish Oil from recycled Fish Oil?
There are dolphin safe Fish Oil brands which have been caught from the wild but only in a very limited amount and to ensure they stay below the quota/limit set so they don't become threatened by over-fishing. This does not mean that Fish Oil is sustainably sourced because Fish can still be over fished if this small amount of Fish is all that's available. Therefore I prefer a brand with a clear sustainability statement, transparency and ethical standards such as Wiley’s Finest™ Wild Alaskan Fish Oil which was born in 2012 with a mission to bring Personal. Sustainable. Potent.™ Omega-3 Fish Oil supplements to customers who value a made-in-the-USA, certified sustainably caught source.
Although the Wiley’s Finest™ brand is relatively new, the family’s roots go deep in manufacturing and distillation of high purity ingredients. They have been manufacturing since 1981 — over 35 years of Excellence in Fine Distillation.
What about heavy metal contamination? Is Fish oil safe?
Always check that your chosen fish Oil has been tested. Fish oil ingredients and finished softgel products are tested for heavy metal content (lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic) by trusted independent third-party laboratories. Products should meet or exceed the stringent limits in the GOED voluntary monograph many tests are more stringent than the FDA’s own published limits on heavy metals in foods and supplements.
Can I eat Flax seeds instead?
Unlike flax seeds which contain ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) Fish Oil contains DHA and EPA which are the only omega 3s which the body can use to produce anti-inflammatory prostaglandins. Fish Oil is more bioavailable than flax and does not need to be converted so it makes no sense at all buying Omega 3 Alfa linolenic supplements or any other version of ALA, when Fish Oil delivers DHA and EPA! The best brands contain 1000mg of Fish Oil per tablet/capsule with around 300mg of that being DHA and 200mg being EPA. Nutri Advanced Eskimo®-3 Extra is a pure and stable omega-3 fish oil providing high levels of fatty acids EPA and DHA in their optimal 3:2 ratio. Each capsule typically provides 300mg of EPA and 200mg of DHA. Omega-3 fatty acids have been well studied, with EPA and DHA contributing to the normal function of the heart, and DHA supporting normal brain function and vision. Fish oil capsules containing omega 3 fatty acids can lower the risk of heart attacks by 36%, new research suggests. The main 'good' fats, known as polyunsaturated fatty acids, or PUFAs, such as DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), make up 12% of the fat found in Fish oils. [1]
So what can I expect from taking a good quality Fish Oil supplement?
Joint Pain and Stiffness.
Fish oil supplements can significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness, and medication needs in people with rheumatoid arthritis, which causes painful joints.
People with certain inflammatory conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis have been found to have increased levels of type-2 cytokines, called interleukins in their blood which has been traced back to an increase in oxidative stress [3] . In addition people suffering from this type of arthritis were found to have higher concentrations of anti-inflammatory prostaglandin E(2) [4] while inflammation was observed in people without.
Inflammation and Weight control
The DHA present in Omega 3 supplements has also been found to reduce inflammation via its effect on G-proteins which are involved with the signal transduction of hormones (messengers) including insulin (involved in diabetes), leptin (signal satiety), cytokines (involved with inflammatory processes) and neurotransmitters [5] . In a study by Diepvens et al [6] , healthy women aged 28–30 were given either 1760mg DHA from Algae, fish oil or no supplement for 12 weeks. At baseline none of the diets had any effect on insulin sensitivity but, after the 12 weeks a slight increase was observed in insulin sensitivity in the Women who received DHA from Algae and those taking no supplements. The amount of abdominal fat deposits was then measured with a MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). Abdominal fat is an important marker for pancreatic cancer risk [7] . After DHA treatment, significant decreases were observed in the sum of the cross sectional areas of both adipose tissue-containing depots, compared with either ALA or placebo. However there was no significant difference between ALA and placebo treatment groups. A trend towards a greater loss of visceral adipose tissue mass during DHA supplementation was also seen when expressed relative to body weight changes (−076 vs −1.74 kg, p = 0.084).
In a study by Vessby et al [8] , the participants were given either 595mg DHA from fish oil or soybean oil placebo for 4 weeks with isocaloric diets controlling for saturated fat and energy intakes. At 4 weeks of treatment there was already a positive effect of supplementation on serum concentrations of dihomogammalinolenic acid (HGLA) and arachidonic acid (AA), two compounds which are known to be anti-inflammatory. There was no measurable difference in inflammatory markers between the groups after 8 weeks but HGLA remained at a significantly higher concentration in those receiving fish oil. In an experiment by Hennig et al [9] , healthy subjects were given a placebo for 4 weeks and then either fish oil or placebo for a further 8 weeks, this time with diets high in omega-6 fatty acids. After four weeks of fish oil supplementation the percentage of Oxidative Medicine And Surgery patients had reduced by over 50% while plasma levels of inflammatory markers remained unchanged in the control group. In conclusion a daily dosage of approximately 3–4g Omega 3 is most likely to have an anti-inflammatory effect. ref: Lands WE, The diet and health connection: certain disease conditions are related to dietary fat intake .
Pregnancy and Early Life.
Omega-3s are essential for early growth and development so supplementing with fish oil three months before conception, during pregnancy and breastfeeding are vital for a child's development. Fish oil provides important nutrients necessary for brain and eye development while the DHA present has been shown to stimulate neurogenesis, which is very important in early life [10] . Fish oil intake during pregnancy has also been linked with improved cognitive function in offspring [11] .
The DHA content of breast milk is directly correlated to the mother's DHA status; it reaches its peak at approximately 10 months post-partum and declines over time. It can take up to 18 months for a mothers body to replenish their DHA levels after nursing so supplementation would be beneficial during this time period as well. A study by Fish et al [17] , found that infants receiving either DHA supplements or Fish oil are more likely to have better visual acuity, motor development and early vocabulary skills. Fish oil is particularly important for pregnant women because it protects against pre-eclampsia which can severely affect both mother and child. Fish oils DHA content also supports the production of prostaglandin E1 which helps with circulation through the placenta [18] . A study by Fish et al [19] , found that use of fish oil among pregnant women has the potential to reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia by up to 40%. Fish oil supplementation during pregnancy has also been linked to improvements in breast milk quality as well as reducing postpartum depression symptoms.
Healthy Mind.
A large portion of our brains are made of Omega-3 and fish oil supplements can help to prevent the onset or improve certain mental disorders and depression. Fish Oils with ingredients including CoQ10 and GLA to optimise brain structure, function and provide energy support. Fish oil supplementation has been proven to improve depression symptoms in general [20] and is most effective when provided with antidepressant therapy. Fish oils DHA content provides anti-inflammatory effects which effectively reduce the production of inflammatory cytokines such as interleukins and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) in animal models [21] . Fish oils effect on neuron cell membranes also makes it a viable treatment for schizophrenia, bipolar disorders and ADHD [22] . Fish oil can help to reduce behavior social problems in children if taken throughout their life; the DHA content helps with brain development while the EPA reduces stress hormones such as cortisol [23].
The evidence is clear that Fish Oil can be used to improve inflammatory markers, cognitive function and reduce the risk of mental disorders and heart health; it should therefore be considered an essential for all. Fish Oils DHA content is vital during pregnancy while EPA effectively reduces stress hormones in children. Fish oil also contains omega-3s which are essential for early growth and development so 3 months before conception, during pregnancy and breastfeeding supplementation is best. Fish oil supplements have been proven to aid with brain function as well as improving depression symptoms in general.
1* Double-blind, randomized, controlled trial of fish oil supplements in prevention of recurrence of stenosis after coronary angioplasty.
2* Effects of 12-week supplementation of marine Omega-3 PUFA-based formulation Omega3Q10 in older adults with prehypertension and/or elevated blood cholesterol
3*Omega-3 fatty acids in the treatment of psychiatric disorders.
update 09.01.2024